Emily Benitez ● February 12, 2024

The world of menstruation – often whispered about, wrapped in secrecy, or met with discomfort. But let’s shatter that silence right now. Periods are a natural, essential part of life for many of us. I mean come on it's a monthly visitor why are we surprised when it shows up?



The elephant in the room: period stigma. It’s this idea that periods are taboo, something to be hidden away and not discussed openly. This stigma, varying across cultures and generations, has a universal impact – it creates shame, limits access to education and hygiene products, and can even lower the confidence of people experiencing their period! When society attaches shame to a natural bodily function, it stifles conversations, spreads misinformation, and hampers access to essential menstrual hygiene products.


The stigmas surrounding menstruation are deep-rooted and varied, stemming from cultural taboos branding periods as impure or misconceptions that menstruating individuals are somehow less capable.  These ideas have stuck around for quite a while, fueled by the way we talk, societal expectations, and even religious views.


But why is it crucial to talk about stigma around periods? 

Well, for starters, periods are a regular part of life for nearly half the population, yet they're still considered in stigma and secrecy. Breaking this silence is vital because this stigma cultivates shame and restricts access to crucial information and resources.

 Surprisingly, many individuals need to be made aware of the products they use during their periods. Lack of transparency in labeling, ingredients, and potential health impacts can leave people uncertain about what they're using. This lack of information keeps the mystery and discomfort linked with menstruation going.

Consider this fact: people with periods menstruate around 500 times in their lifetime. It's a significant aspect of life that impacts a substantial portion of one’s journey.

Why does menstruation matter? 

Beyond access to safe and affordable menstrual products—a basic human right – it’s about reshaping perceptions. It’s understanding that periods are neither a curse nor something to be ashamed of.

It's important to acknowledge: 
  • Limited Access to Menstrual Hygiene Products:
    • In many developing countries, a large number of individuals, particularly in rural areas, lack access to affordable and hygienic menstrual products.
  • Impact on Education:
    • Girls often miss school days during menstruation due to a lack of proper menstrual hygiene products. 
  • Health Risks:
    • Poor menstrual hygiene practices can lead to reproductive and urinary tract infections, posing serious health risks for individuals who menstruate in areas with limited access to menstrual products.
  • Economic Barriers:
    • The cost of commercial menstrual products can be a barrier for many individuals in developing countries. Limited financial resources may force them to choose between purchasing food or other essentials and buying menstrual hygiene products.
  • Stigma and Cultural Taboos:
    • Stigma and cultural taboos surrounding menstruation can contribute to a lack of awareness and discussion about menstrual health. This silence adds to  the challenges associated with menstruation.
  • Lack of Information and Awareness:
    • Limited awareness about menstrual health and hygiene exacerbates the challenges. Education campaigns are essential to break the silence surrounding menstruation and promote proper hygiene practices.
  • Environmental Concerns:
    • In the absence of proper waste disposal systems, the use of non-biodegradable menstrual products contributes to environmental pollution in some developing regions.

Shame, inadequate knowledge, and insufficient care create a recipe for a poor quality of life. Embracing menstruation openly and acknowledging it as a natural cycle is key to empowerment and breaking free from societal stigmas.

Challenging period stigma isn’t just about breaking taboos; it’s about empowerment. When conversations about periods become open and honest, it empowers individuals to make informed choices about their menstrual health. Education about periods should be inclusive, break down barriers, and celebrate diverse experiences.

Imagine a world where menstruation isn’t whispered about but accepted as a normal part of life. It’s about creating a space where everyone can access safe menstrual products without shame or judgment.

 It's time to break the silence, shatter the shame, and empower ourselves and others in our journey toward menstrual inclusivity and empowerment. Period.